Jack robinson (be) a famous explorer. today he (come) to the television studio (give) an interview about his exciting life. oliver shade an interviewer? (talk) to him. mr robinson? you (spend) your whole life (explore) the world/ but we know that your special interest always (be) the british isles. when you (get) interested in travelling? !

annablakfare303030 annablakfare303030    2   26.05.2019 21:40    0

сашадобро сашадобро  23.06.2020 14:20
Jack Robinson is a famous explorer.
Today he comes to the television studio to give an interview about his exciting life.
Olivier Shade an interviewer is talking to him.
- Mr Robinson, you have spent your whole life exploring the world. But we know that your special interest always is the British Isles. When did you get interested in travelling?
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