Измени глагол на то время, на которое он будет изменяться в косвенной речи for example, see-saw, will go – would go did – are - has fed – saw - reads – will be- is – has - was – is walking - does – travelled - will visit – are running- were - am watching – change the sentences into the reported speech they said “don’t turn on the light. she asked “where have you been today? ” we asked “did they arrive in englang 2 years ago? ” tom asked “were they at school yesterday? he said “read the text again”. the teacher asked “are you ready with your hometask? ” she said” victor does his homework every day”. we said “it took them nearly 2 months to get there”. sam said “why are asking me questions like these? ” you answered “you are not obedient children. you must be punished”.

maksdodaruk1 maksdodaruk1    1   12.05.2019 18:19    2

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