Из прямой речи в косвенную сделать. 1)"i have finished all my work", she said. 2)"why are you looking at me like that? " she asked him. 3)"do not play with matches", his mother said. 4)"i have forgetten to bring my lunch with me",he said. 5)"will you be home soon? " she asked her husband. 6)"go to bed! " father said to his children.

Satana6666666661666 Satana6666666661666    2   17.03.2019 13:00    2

natilis natilis  25.05.2020 19:50

1) She said she had finished all her work.

2) She asked him why he was looking at her like that.

3) His mother asked/told him not to play with matches.

4) He said he had forgotten to bring his lunch with him.

5) She asked her husband if he would be at home soon.

6) Father told his children to go to bed.

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