Из букв в скобках соберите слова вот: in europe (pnsrig) is the first season of the year. in american english(nuautm) is called "fall" because the leaves fall off the trees. sometimes there2 a (abrniow) when its rainy and sunny at the same time. you can see the town from the top of the (uminotan) извините за ошибки,мне нужно,я

Yana18102001 Yana18102001    2   11.09.2019 07:20    8

Лаура2205200 Лаура2205200  07.10.2020 07:00
In Europe (spring) is the first season of the year.
In American English (autumn) is called ...  .
Sometimes there a (rainbow) when it's ...  .
You can see the town from the top of the (сорян не знаю).
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