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напишите ответ (90 - 100 слов). у вас будет 30 минут для выполнения .

i like physics and chemistry. i want to be a scientist in future and get a nobel prize one day!

what are you going to be in the future? what school subjects are important for your future job?

what school subjects do you like most ofall, why?

many thanks!



арина1492 арина1492    3   12.11.2019 22:23    2

SiperV2 SiperV2  10.10.2020 12:52

Hi John, now listen to me, my name is [Name], and i like to study in school, my love subjects is a Math's and History of Russia/Ukraine. This subjects help me in futute to do the right thing in different situations. I want to be come a cop. History it is really interesting and informative subject and why i like the maths? Because I like count and solve problems with equations.

Many thanks!

Yours, [Name]

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