Iv. выберите правильный ответ. ещё материалы по теме: 1. the news so pleasant, that she couldn't help smiling. a) is, b) was, c) are, d) were. 2. what awful weather we're having today. a) — , b) a, c) an, d) the. 3. do you know what , i can't remember it. a) is his name, b) his name is, c) was his name, d) his name was. 4. your father's sister is your . a) niece, b) cousin, c) aunt, d) granny. 5. we went we saw the same posters. a) somewhere, b) anywhere, c) nowhere, d) everywhere. 6. their house is to the school. a) near, b) nearly, c) close, d) closely. 7. she felt somebody her by the shoulder and turned round. a) touch, b) to touch, c) touched, d) have touched. 8. have you had your lunch ? — no, i'm going to do it now. a) already, b) still, c) just, d) yet. 9. she left the room and shut the door behind . a) her, b) herself, c) by herself, d) for herself. 10. the tea was hot for me to drink. a) quite, b) enough, c) top, d) at all. 11. he is not in politics. a) interest, b) interests, c) interesting, d) interested. 12. don't worry, your luggage will be looked . a) after, b) over, c) at, d) upon. 13. my sister enjoys a) dance, b) to dance, c) dancing, d) danced. 14. the typist is away, these papers can't now. a) type, b) to type, c) have typed, d) be typed. 15. my father is 3 years than my mother. a) old, b) older, c) oldest, d) elder. 16. does she look like? — she's young and pretty. a) what, b) who, c) how, d) how old. 17. i don't remember when i went to the cinema . a) last time, b) for the last time, c) last, d) at last. 18. i'll call the taxi as soon as the things . a) were packed, b) have been packed, c) will be packed, d) packed. 19. he said he in moscow all his life. a) lives, b) lived, c) has lived, d) had lived. 20. we wondered when our documents ready. a) will be, b) would be, c) are, d) were. тест

ROLFRUTIN ROLFRUTIN    2   19.09.2019 11:10    5

zhasmin777123 zhasmin777123  08.10.2020 02:07
1 b
2 c
3 b
4 c
5 d
6 c
7 a
8 d
9 b
10 a
11 d
12 a
13 c
14 d
15 b
16 c
17 b
18 c
19 c
20 b
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