IV.Use the verbs in brackets in correct form. (3points) 1. If you ... (to visit) me, I ... ( to show) you my new kitchen.
2. When Jane ... ( to bring) me the book, I... (to give) it to you.
3. If you ... ( to eat) the porridge, you... (to be) healthy an strong.
4. I... (to wait) until you ...(phone) me.
5. We... ( to start) the celebration, as soon as our father... (to come).
6. If Tom ...
(to find the conference program, he ... (to tell)us his plans for

evelinkazelenyak evelinkazelenyak    2   03.06.2021 11:09    3

LiNa20142014 LiNa20142014  03.06.2021 11:10

1. If you visit me, I will show you my new kitchen.

2. When Jane brings me the book, I will give it to you.

3. If you eat the porridge, you will be healthy an strong.

4. I will wait until you phone me.

5. We will start the celebration, as soon as our father comes.

6. If Tom finds the conference program, he will tell us his plans for  tomorrow.​

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