IV. Choose the correct item. 1. You … get off the street now! Awould B must Cshall 2. 2. You … bring food; there are food stalls everywhere. Aneedn't Bshould Cmustn't 3. 3. You … be rude to the elderly. Aneedn't B mustn't Ccouldn't 4. She … read and write when she was three. Amust B could Cwould 5. 5. We … to do what we can for those in need. Amust B should Cought V. Fill in the correct relative pronoun or adverb. 1. Kevin McLeod is the man who started the tree- planning project. 2. The school … environmental project was the most informative won the competition. 3. Helen chose a volunteer programme … suited her personal schedule. 4. The forest … … illegal logging used to take place is now protected by environmental III. Choose the correct item. 1. You … get offthe street nowl Awould B must Cshall 2. You … bring food; there are food stalls everywhere. Aneedn't B should Cmustn't 3. 3. You … be rude to the elderly.
IV. Fill in the correct relative pronoun or advero. 1. Kevin McLeod is the man who started the tree- planning project. 2. The school … environmental project was the most informative won the competition. 3. Helen chose a volunteer programme - Aneedn't B mustn't Ccouldn't 4. She … read and write when she was three. Amust B could Cwould 5. We … to do what we can for those in need. suited her personal schedule. 4. The forest … … illegal logging used to take place is now protected by environmental Amust B should Cought 6. We … ban all public transport in the city centre. Adon't need Bmust Cneed organization. 5. She'll never forget the day … … she saw how people in the slums live for the first time. 7. _ I take the rubbish out later, Mum? A Can B Would CNeed 8. He … have gone to the homeless shelter; it's very cold. Ashould Bwould Ccan't Put the verbs in brackets into the correct
VI. tense to form conditionals. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. 1. A: I wish the little boy had told (tell) us where 1. If I'd known they were looking for people to his parents are. live on the space station, would have applied B: Yes. It's so sad to see him living in the streets. (apply) for the job! 2. 1 _ … (take) a book if I had known the 2. A: If only more rich people … (give) money to those in need. flight would be delayed. 3. If I … … (be) like my friend, I would have travelled round the world on my holiday. 4. I would gladly live on the moon if they ever …(colonise) it. 5. If you hadn't been so selfish, you … (offer) to help them. 6. If I weren't so concerned about the homeless, I … (not / donate) to the charity. 7. You harm the environment if you … (drive) your car everywhere. 8. He will be hungry if he … … (not / eat) breakfast. B: That would truly make a difference. 3. A: If only the company … (not / close down). B: I know. Hundreds of people were left jobless. 4. A: I wish I … (not / drop out) of school. B: Well. You can always take a night course. 5. A: I wish I … … (not / yell) at that elderly man. B: Well, If you see him again, you can apologize. 6. A: If only I … (have) more time to volunteer at the animal shelter. B: Don't worry. You do a lot more than other people.

IV. Choose the correct item. 1. You … get off the street now! Awould B must Cshall 2. 2. You … bring

kakashonka1 kakashonka1    1   17.02.2022 17:28    19

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