Итоговая контрольная работа за курс 5 класса
Задание №1.Вставь вс глаголы do/does/did/is/are/was/were
1. Where do the girls roller-skate every spring?
2. When Steve come home yesterday evening?
3. Why your sister usually get up at 7 o'clock? 4, What the children going to do in the afternoon?
5. Who in the swimming pool last Tuesday?
6. Where his friends play football two days ago?
7. What Nick's brothers eat for breakfast every
8. When Polly going to wear her new dress?
9. Why her parents tired yesterday?
10. Who homework best of all pupils? Задание№2.Выбери правильный вариант.
1. There is / are some tomatoes in the bag.
2. There was / were some cereal on the floor.
8. Is / Are there an apple on the plate?
4. How many /much cocoa did he drink?
5. How many / much children are there?
6. Ted's friend didn't drink some / any / an orange juice yester day.
7. There is some / any /a water in the bottle. Задание №3.Выбери нужную форму прилагательного
1. This is big / bigger / the biggest park in our city.
2. Reading is good / better / the best than watching TV.
1. The Dnepr is long /longer / the longest river in Belarus.
1. Vegetables are healthy/ healthier/ the healthiest than crisps.
5. This is fast / faster / the fastest car in the world.
6. This house is very modern / more modern / the most modern.
1. Where is near /nearer / the nearest post office? Задание №4. Напиши предложения во множественном числе, учитывая все правила изученные раннее
That goose big. arebik.
2) That woman la cleaning the room now.

Пианино555 Пианино555    2   22.05.2020 12:36    60

ataev0512 ataev0512  21.01.2024 10:45
Задание №1:

1. Where do the girls roller-skate every spring?
Ответ: The girls roller-skate every spring.

2. When Steve come home yesterday evening?
Ответ: When did Steve come home yesterday evening?

3. Why your sister usually get up at 7 o'clock?
Ответ: Why does your sister usually get up at 7 o'clock?

4. What the children going to do in the afternoon?
Ответ: What are the children going to do in the afternoon?

5. Who in the swimming pool last Tuesday?
Ответ: Who was in the swimming pool last Tuesday?

6. Where his friends play football two days ago?
Ответ: Where did his friends play football two days ago?

7. What Nick's brothers eat for breakfast every morning?
Ответ: What do Nick's brothers eat for breakfast every morning?

8. When Polly going to wear her new dress?
Ответ: When is Polly going to wear her new dress?

9. Why her parents tired yesterday?
Ответ: Why were her parents tired yesterday?

10. Who homework best of all pupils?
Ответ: Who does homework the best of all pupils?

Задание №2:

1. There are some tomatoes in the bag.
Ответ: В сумке есть помидоры.

2. There was some cereal on the floor.
Ответ: На полу был каша.

3. Are there any apples on the plate?
Ответ: Есть ли яблоки на тарелке?

4. How much cocoa did he drink?
Ответ: Сколько какао он выпил?

5. How many children are there?
Ответ: Сколько там детей?

6. Ted's friend didn't drink any orange juice yesterday.
Ответ: Друг Теда не пил апельсиновый сок вчера.

7. There is some water in the bottle.
Ответ: В бутылке есть вода.

Задание №3:

1. This is the biggest park in our city.
Ответ: Это самый большой парк в нашем городе.

2. Reading is better than watching TV.
Ответ: Чтение лучше, чем смотреть телевизор.

3. The Dnepr is the longest river in Belarus.
Ответ: Днепр - самая длинная река в Беларуси.

4. Vegetables are healthier than crisps.
Ответ: Овощи здоровее чипсов.

5. This is the fastest car in the world.
Ответ: Это самая быстрая машина в мире.

6. This house is the most modern.
Ответ: Этот дом самый современный.

7. Where is the nearest post office?
Ответ: Где находится ближайшее почтовое отделение?

Задание №4:

1. Those geese are big.
Ответ: Те гуси большие.

2. Those women are cleaning the room now.
Ответ: Эти женщины убирают комнату сейчас.
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