Итоговая контрольная работа 9 класс (афанасьева) 1. rewrite the following passage in the passive. somebody left a box on the no.53 bus last night. a woman found it under her seat. she gave it to the bus driver. no one knows where it came from. the police are making enquiries now. the police are searching for the owner of the box because they have found a bomb in it. they hope they will arrest the person soon. ii. change the words in brackets in order to get a complete and logical text. it's not always easy being a (1. tour). you spend half your time making (2. arrange) for your holiday and the other half worrying about sticking (3. time). i think it's relaxing sometimes to spend a holiday at home. there are no (4. culture) problems, you don't need to be the (5. photograph) and you know that the local (6. inhabit) are always friendly. iii.put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. steve: what you (1. to do) next august, mary? mary: it looks like i (2. to stay here and working. what about you? steve: well hopefully i (3. to finish) all my work by then, so i (4. to be able) to go to holland for a while. mary: great! i (5. to go) there last year. you ever (6. to be) to holland before? steve: well, we drove through it while we (7. to travel) to germany but we (8. not to stop). mary: i didn't know you (9. to be) to germany. steve: yes. my cousin (10. to live) there for the last six years and i visit him every summer. mary: what he (11. to do)? steve: he (12. to work) in a café. iv.fill in: a, an or the where necessary. 1) jack smith is 2) professional footballer. he plays in 3) usa. he has been playing 4) football since he was a child. jack met his wife, sally, at 5) chicago airport 6) morning he had left home to live in 7) states. she is a musician who plays 8) drums in a rock band. in summer jack and sally meet his parents at 9) maxim's in 10) paris, then travel by 11) car around 12) europe for a month. last year they spent the whole month of july in 13) portugal before going back to 14) work. v.express the same in english. use phrasal verbs. 1. кто-то вырезал эту статью из журнала. 2. мне кажется, он чувствует себя отрезанным от семьи. 3. дети ковыряли вилками еду в своих тарелках. 4. автобус остановился, чтобы забрать двух пассажиров. 5. когда они собираются построить новый забор вокруг сада. 6. я забыл надеть свои часы. 7. ты снова не выполнил . мне придется поговорить с тобой после урока.

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