Iterature questions 1) Pip is the main character of which book by Charles Dickens?

2) What was the girl's name who Pip fell in love?

3) Which author wrote about Victorian time?

4) Name the the wedding things which are described in the novel “Great Expectations”?

5) According to the story “David Copperfield”, who pretend to be woolgathering when he is as sharp as a surgeon’s lancet?

6) Who wrote “The Gift of Magi”?

7) Fill in with correct words: All the things that should be white had been white ……..- they had lost their ……..and were …… and ………. .

8) Which book by Charles Dickens was about his own life?

9) Victor Hugo wrote The Hunchback of Notre Dame. What was his other famous book, the story of an escaped convict, Jean Valjean?

10) Which character in “Great Expectations”, by Charles Dickens, is wearing wedding clothes?

11) Name the characters from the novel “Great Expectations”.

12) Which character have walked all the way, and have never slept in a bed since he began the journey?

Card № 1

Grammar Task. Open the brackets and put the verbs into the correct form.

1. He…… ( go) to school every day.

2. He……. (go) to school now.

3. He……. (go) to school yesterday.

4. He…….already (go) to school.

5. He…….. (not go) to school tomorrow.

6. ……he (go) to school at the moment?

7. He…….. (be) at the cinema last Sunday.

11. I……. (not go) to school yesterday.

12. She ….(not like) flying by plane?

13. When…. he (arrive)? An hour ago.

14………. .you (ever visit) a theme park?

15. I think life…… (be) different in 2

tatyanakhmelev tatyanakhmelev    2   01.02.2021 14:43    0

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