Итак. я не понимаю настоящее и будущие времена в языке. отсюда не могу правильно передать мысль. объясните все подробно,. и да,в книгах не понимаю. заранее .

Belatrissa11 Belatrissa11    1   19.06.2019 23:10    2

lolkekcheburek27 lolkekcheburek27  16.07.2020 01:13
Yesterday she finished reading the book. She started working last Monday. They used to spend much time together in the nineties. When did you last see him? Four months ago she was robbed. I stayed with them for two weeks. Once upon a time there was king. At that time we were a couple. He would work out every day. Would и used to ставятся перед глаголом, когда нужно сказать, что вы раньше что-то делали, но сейчас больше не делаете. Lilly used to play the piano in the childhood. How long is it since you called her? How long is it since… - Сколько времени с тех пор, как… Have you ever dated an older guy? ever – когда-либо. Используется только в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях. We have just fixed the car. I was doing my homework when Judy left. Если речь идет о двух одновременных действиях в то мы должны использовать продолженное время – Past Continuous – для того действия, которое является длительным. While Alice was drinking coffee, her husband was reading a newspaper. What have you been cooking? Если речь идет о действии, которое началось в продолжалось какое-то время и продолжается сейчас, то мы ставим глагол во время Present Perfect Continuous. We don’t work together anymore. She is no longer invited to star in the movies. When the concert was over, most fans had already left. After Alex had read the letter, he threw it away. Запомните, что если в одно действие делалось до другого, то это первое действие нужно поставить во время завершенное. Настоящее - Present
Hush, she’s sleeping! He is still talking on the phone. The Italians eat pizza. Do you like oranges? We have lived here since 2000. How long have you been teaching literature? He has been looking for work for three months. For – в течение… We have been working on this task since last month. Since – с тех пор как, начиная с… Будущее - Future They will deliver the package tomorrow. The agenda of the seminar will be published soon. He will be called to justice sooner or later. One day you will understand you’re wrong. Ultimately, we’ll find the necessary money. You’ll know more about it in due time. She will eventually dump him after his cheating. In the long run we will reside to tough measures. Next week she won’t try her wedding dress on. They will pay for the service as soon as they receive the bill. Если зависимое предложение отвечает на вопрос «когда?», то в нем в будущем времени will опускается. А сам глагол ставится в настоящем. Mom will cook dinner when she comes home. I don’t know when he will return you the money. What time will the taxi arrive? Will you be staying at your uncle’s long? Будущее продолженное время Future Continuous используется, чтобы вежливо поинтересоваться о планах собеседника. At this time tomorrow I will be eating in a Japanese restaurant. She says she is going to divorce him. We are coming back to Moscow on Friday. Если речь идет о ваших планах на будущее, то мы используем настоящее продолженное время – Present Continuous. The conference is to start in an hour. Am/ is/ are to do – быть запланированным; должен сделать что-либо He is about to apply for a new job. We are on the point of breaking all our mutual arrangements. I’m afraid such a project is bound to fail. The train is due to depart in half an hour. She plans to launch a new line of underwear. The company is expected to go bankrupt. By the end of the week she will have booked all the tickets.
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