История английского языка 1. Determine the stem types of “dæʒ” and “lāf”, using for reference the Gothic forms “dagam” and “laibōm”, where the original stem suffix was preserved.
2. sē dēāda man :: þā menn – identify the noun forms and state what process caused the root vowel change. What declension type is characterized by this process?
3. Name the stem building suffix in “pleʒan”. What nouns in Russian belong to the same type?
4. Comment on the noun case inflexions –e and –um in “dæʒe, āde” (cf. German am Tage, zu Hause); milum (cf. Russian дням, людям).
5. Give the plural form of the neuter nouns land, hors used in the text. How can you account for the peculiaruty of forming their plural?
6. Without consulting the glossary determine the gender of the noun dǣl.
7. State grammatical characteristics of all the nouns in the text (stem suffix, number, gender, case).
8. Give Nom sg, Nom pl, Gen sg of the following words: dæʒe, lāfe, pleʒan, mīle, tūne, man, lande.
9. Comment on the phonetic correspondences between the OE numeral fīf and its Greek counterpart pente. Give its cognates in Russian (native and borrowed).
10. Observe the form beran used in the text. On the basis of its Russian counterpart беру, брать restore the initial consonant of its cognates in Latin and Indo-European.