Исправте, , ошибки с артиклями, если есть. с 1) corsica and sardinia are islands which are washed by the mediterranean sea. 2) if i had enough money i would go to the canaries. 3) the capitel of the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland is london.

newzorowaa2018 newzorowaa2018    3   25.06.2019 00:30    0

Filipin2030 Filipin2030  20.07.2020 11:40
Ошибок с артиклями нет. Но есть ошибки с пунктуацией и неправильным написанием слов, что я исправил:

1) Corsica and Sardinia are island which are washed by the Mediterranean Sea.
2) If I had enough money, I would go to the Canaries.
3) The capital of the United Kingdom, of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is London.
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