Исправте ошибки. 1.hello 2.hello 1.what's your favorit sport? 2.i like football. 1.who's your favorit team? 2.my favorit team is real madrid. 1.who's your favorite footballer? 2.my favorit fotballer is cr7. 1.maybe we will talk about the olympic games in sochi? 2.good, what you want to ask? 1.what you think of the olympic games in sochi? 2.the olympic games this very entertaining event i waited for olympic games opening. 1.how many the countries participate in the olympic games this year? 2.this year takes participation of 88 countries of the world. 1.you watched olympic games opening? 2.yes opening was very beautiful, i would like to get there. 1.i agree was beautifully, and you know how many athletes took part at parade? 2.at parade about three thousand athletes took part. 1.whether many gold medals will be received by ukraine? 2.well i will hope that ukraine will receive many gold medals.
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What you think ABOUT the Olimpic Games in Sochi