Исправить ошибки-зачеркнуть лишнее слово. 1.it's got windy.2.he's can wearing a white t-shirt 3.what's the weather don't like? .4.where's is the bear? 5.l can to jump like a frog? 6.how old are you wearing today? 7.hhis is a my tree house

Grechk Grechk    3   28.07.2019 08:20    6

Danatil Danatil  07.08.2020 16:22
1.it's windy.
2.He's wearing a white T-shirt
3.what's the weather like?.
4.where is the bear?
5.l can jump like a frog?
6.How old are you today?
7.This is my tree house
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