Исправить ошибки: which is fastest, a car or a train? he's the funnier person i know. tatiana is the more beautiful girl of all. read and complete the sentences. a: mariya is very tall b: yes. she' class. a: andrei is very clever. b: yes. he' class. a: an elephant is a very fat animal. b: yes. it' jungle. a: larisa is very shy. b: yes. she' family. a: a cheetan is a very fast animal. b: yes. it' the world.

Еннтпшдь Еннтпшдь    2   12.07.2019 13:40    3

Самира271106 Самира271106  03.10.2020 01:53
1)the fastest
2)the most fun
3) is the most beautiful
she is the tallest in
he is the clevest
it is the fattiest
she is the shyest
it is the fastest
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