Исправить ошибки во временах/глаголах. in my country many customs still existing about the choice of a woman for me to married. despite the influence of other cultures, especially american, the latin american woman has always submit to the man; she has working in the home and take care of the children. the counsel which parents generally give their sons state that the chosen girl must to be pretty (if that are possible), kind, intelligent, and faithful, and that she must to came from a good family. she must also has obedience and possesses a certain level of culture if she is to be a successful wife and mother. although some of these requirements are began to disappear, the traditional woman in latin america was still thought to be the best choice for a wife. teachers of foreign languages should to be extremely well-qualified in order to carried out their duties properly. in fact, a teacher may be possess a minimum of a graduate degree from a certified educational school or institute if he to teach high school or below. besides the academic degree, teachers shall not considered teaching only as an occupation for earn money; they should also be interests in teaching. it was not only necessary that teachers to be knowledgeable in their major fields, but they should also been skilful as well. for example, the language teacher must knowed the target language well enough to be imitating by his students. proficiency in the target language include four skills: understanding, speaking, reading, and writing. a teacher may also knew the linguistic facts of the language of the students in order understand the problems they will to learn in the target language. furthermore, the teacher must have familiar with the audio-lingual techniques. knewing all these will helped the students to learn correctly and quickly.

shasherina13ozz1hj shasherina13ozz1hj    1   22.09.2019 20:10    1

nikafolz nikafolz  08.10.2020 10:27
Первое предложение построено немного неправильно лучшеthere are many customs that still exist about the choice of a woman to be married in my country
- the latin american woman has to submit to man, she has to work at home and take care 
- must be pretty
- if that/it is possible
- must be from a good family
- she must have
- if she wants to be a successful wife
- some of these requirements began
- is still thouhgt

- teachers should be
- to carry out- if he is going to teach
- shouldn't consider
- to earn money
- its necessary for teacher not only to be knowledgeable
- should also be
- must know
- to be imitated
- must know
- facts about language
- will learn- must be familiar
- knowing all this will help students learn 
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