Используйте подходящую по смыслу сравнительную конструкцию (as … as, not so … as, than, of ). 1.Margaret is older … Elizabeth. 2. Catherine is not … old … Margaret. 3. Margaret is the oldest … the three. 4. This book is better … that one. 5. This book is not … good … that one. 6. This book is the best … the three. 7. That exercise is more difficult … this one. 8. Ruth is … pretty … Kate. 9. Ruth’s hair is … long and fair … Kate’s. 10. This stick is not … long … this one. 11. This is the best … the three knives. 12. He has more money … I have. 13. A man is … old … he feels. 14. The weather is worse today … it was yesterday. 15. It was not … bad yesterday … it is today.

Chakachoco Chakachoco    1   30.11.2020 20:02    32

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