Используйте глаголы в скобках в соответствующем времени. 1) now i at the first desk (to sit), but usually i at the second desk. (to sit) 2) the conference at 6 o'clock p.m. (to end) 3) the workers … the first line of the moscow metro by may 1935. (to construct) 4) victor … … an interesting book when we came in. (to read) 5) we … … to moscow next40 week. (to go) 6) every day oleg… to bed at eleven o’clock. (to go) 7) nobody … … him today. (to see)

alisaislamova2 alisaislamova2    3   24.08.2019 08:40    3

Chakachoco Chakachoco  08.09.2020 23:56
1) Now I am sitting at the first desk,but usually I sit at the second desk.
2) The conference ends at 6 o'clock p.m.
3) The workers had constructed the first line of the Moscow Metro by May 1935.
4) Victor was reading an
interesting book when we came in.
5) We will go to Moscow next
6) Every day Oleg goes to bed at eleven o’clock.
7) Nobody has seen him today.
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