Интервью в виде диалог с известным человеком который связан со сми спрашивать у него разные вопросы .

Formica2017 Formica2017    1   24.06.2019 02:20    3

почемучка105 почемучка105  24.06.2019 02:20
Допустим человек, с которым ты будешь вести диалог - это политический деятель. зовут его иван владимирович, например. - hello ivan! can you ask me some questions? - hi! yes, it would be funny and interesting for me. what would you like to know? - i  would like to ask you about your free time. how do you spernd it? - honestly, i don`t have it a lot because of my job. but sometimes i like to visit my family. to play with children and have a romantik dinner with my wife. - do you really like your job? - oh yes. my job   is very unteresting. every day i meet new people and i feel that what i do it`s my cup of tea/ - do you prefer to work with people more or with documents? - i think that everything consisits of mood. if i am friendly and communicative i would like to spend my day with people, but if i am tired and lazy it would be perfect for me to be with papers only. - will your children have the same education? - i have never asked them to be like me, i have always let them the chance for choosing what they want. - thank you ivan, i have recieved all answers for my questions - you are welcome.
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