Insert the prepositions if necessary: 1. Last summer I struck … acquaintance with an extremely interesting person.

2. I like to read fantasy … my leisure.

3. Ann can rave … her hobby for hours.

4. When a good film is on, it is impossible to drag me the screen.

5. Many youth organizations perform … a voluntary basis.
6. Some teenagers show… to express their individuality.
7. When my dad suggested a holiday in Britain I jumped … the opportunity to go there.

8. A new cookery club was set … at our school last year.

9. The boys are striving … becoming city champion.

10. Some subcultures rebel … standards of the society.

Loader Loader    1   31.05.2023 12:04    0

ladyalinaELIZ ladyalinaELIZ  31.05.2023 12:05


1. Last summer I struck up an acquaintance with an extremely interesting person.

2. I like to read fantasy in my leisure.

3. Ann can rave about her hobby for hours.

4. When a good film is on, it is impossible to drag me away from the screen.

5. Many youth organizations perform on a voluntary basis.

6. Some teenagers show off to express their individuality.

7. When my dad suggested a holiday in Britain, I jumped at the opportunity to go there.

8. A new cookery club was set up at our school last year.

9. The boys are striving to become city champions.

10. Some subcultures rebel against the standards of society.

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