Insert prepositions or post-verbal adverbs where necessary.
6. It has been pouring … rain … a week already. We are anxious to know what is going to be like tomorrow. Let’s listen to the weather forecast.
7. It’s unbearably hot even … the shade today. Put … your books and let’s go … the seashore. It’s never hot there thanks … the cool breeze … from the sea.
8. Look … the strange and funny shape (форма) … the clouds that are floating … the sky.
9. Didn’t I tell you, Nick, not to play with your ball … the garden … rainy days? You are wet … and splashed … mud from head to foot again.
10. The doctors don’t allow her to go … the South may affect … her weak heart.
11. Winter has set … at last/ It is fifteen degrees … zero. I think we are … a spell … frosty weather.
12. Don’t pay attention … what she is saying. She is always grumbling … everything.

buh583 buh583    2   27.05.2020 18:24    22

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