Insert personal and possessive pronouns. 1. the queen has certain rights. but … power is limited by parliament. but officially … is the head of the state. 2. the british parliament is in the westminster palace. … has two chambers. … are the house of lords and the house of commons. 3. the prince of wales is a crown prince. … is the queen’s eldest son. 4. the most essential element of currency system is banknotes of countries and … ability to serve as a medium of exchange. 5. parliament has the power to determine the length of … own term. 6. scotland, wales and northern ireland possess … own legislatures and executives. 7. public schools are free from state control. … are independent. most of … are very prestigious.

salautinal96 salautinal96    2   26.05.2019 14:10    2

Slrudyko Slrudyko  23.06.2020 00:57
1. The Queen has certain rights. But HER power is limited by Parliament. But officially SHE is the head of the state.
2. The British Parliament is in the Westminster Palace. IT has two chambers. THEY are the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
3. The Prince of Wales is a Crown Prince.HE is the Queen’s eldest son.(информация устарела!)
4. The most essential element of currency system is banknotes of countries and ITS ability to serve as a medium of exchange.
5. Parliament has the power to determine the length of ITS own term.
6. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland possess THEIR own legislatures and executives.
7. Public schools are free from state control. THEY are independent. Most of THEM are very prestigious. 
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