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axssis00 axssis00    1   24.09.2019 14:20    0

bratatatnigep014kz bratatatnigep014kz  08.10.2020 15:30
♣Оne forest village lived-there were hamsters. Small fuzzies occupied small houses made of straw, and next to their settlement was a fertile wheat field. In the summer, rodents collected wheat from it, saving it into bags and saving it in cellars, and in winter they took out and scattered over tiny plates to thoroughly refresh themselves. Once a gray hamster came to the village from afar. He had a long, predatory beard, a soldier's helmet was worn on his head, and a soldier's uniform with orders was covering his body. Grandfather leaned on the cane, and it was clear that he was tired from the road. The old soldier accompanied the young soldier, very much like a gray-haired hamster. Most likely, it was his grandson, who served in the army. How surprised residents of the village, seeing the uniform of a gray-haired soldier and his grandson: for a long time military men did not enter their lands. The hamsters knew that sometime ago a terrible war between rodents and eagles raged throughout the hamster land. At that time there were fierce battles, in which many pussies were killed. Victory seemed impossible, but the hamsters won, having won the peaceful sky on their land. Villagers invited the military to the best house and began to question the visitors about their life. The gray hamster told how long ago he was in the war as an ordinary soldier, how he protected his native land from fierce enemies - eagles. He described in detail every battle that he managed to survive, how ruthless were the birds with hamsters, how well their enemies were armed with sharp claws and sharp eyes. In each battle hamsters lost a lot of young soldiers, but the last battle was decisive: fearless hamsters won. After that war, the long-awaited peace came to the land of the fluffy, but every self-respecting hamster man remembered the events of the past years and necessarily served in the army so that in case of an attack of enemies he could safely stand up for the defense of his homeland.♣
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