Инапишите к каждому предложению какое это время

Диана19371 Диана19371    3   21.11.2019 07:13    27

коу007 коу007  10.10.2020 14:45

1) The work was being done all day yesterday.  (Past Continuous)

Работу делали весь вчерашний день  

2) A new method has been developed recently.  (Present Perfect)

Новый метод был разработан совсем недавно.  

3) It was found that something was wrong.  (Past Simple)

Было обнаружено, что что-то не так.  

4) The construction had been completed by November 1.  (Past Perfect)

Строительство было завершено к 1 ноябрю.`  

5) Another version is being considered now.  (Present Continuous)

Сейчас рассматривается другая версия.  

6) When did you see  him last?  (Past Simple)

7) What were you doing  when I called you yesterday evening?  (Past Continuous, Past Simple)

8) Many historic buildings are being renovated  in the city now.  (Present Continuous)

9) In case they arrive  later, there will be somebody to show them in.  (Future Simple)

10) Dear Mr. Wilson, I am writing  to thank you for your hospitality.  (Present Continuous)


1. At last we have solved  this difficult problem.  (Present Perfect)

2. The detective reported that he had looked

everywhere for the thief without success.  (Past Simple, Past Perfect)

3. We will have done this work by six o'clock tomorrow.  (Future Perfect)

4. The streets are vet because it has been raining  for hours.  (Present Perfect Continuous)

5. They were very tired because they had travelled all day.  (Past Simple, Past Perfect)

 6. We will have been flying  for seven hours when the sun sets.  (Future Perfect Continuous)

7. I have been trying to solve this problem for an hour.  (Present Perfect Continuous)

 8. During the last twenty years science has

made tremendous advances.  (Present Perfect)

9 . When I returned home, I noticed that all my plants had  died.  (Past Simple, Past Perfect)

10. We had  been smoking for some time in silence, when he spoke.  (Pastt Perfect Continuous)

11. How long would  we have been working together next spring?  (Future Perfect Continuous)

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