In these situations you are asking for information and asking people to do things. Make sentences like above section. 1. You need a pen. Perhaps Jane has got one. Ask her.
Jane, you haven't got a pen. have you?
2. Jack is just going out. You want him to get you some stamps. Ask him.
Jack, you ---
3. You're looking for Ann. Perhaps Kate knows where she is. Ask her.
Kate, you ---
4. You need a bicycle pump. Perhaps Helen has got one. Ask her.
Helen ---
5. You're looking for your keys. Perhaps Robin has seen them. Ask him.

Надя0301 Надя0301    2   16.10.2020 09:06    30

lear8765 lear8765  23.01.2024 14:54
1. You need a pen. Perhaps Jane has got one. Ask her.
Jane, you haven't got a pen, have you?

Explanation: In this situation, you need to ask Jane if she has a pen. To form the question, you start with the statement "Jane, you haven't got a pen" and then add the tag question "have you?" to confirm if she actually has a pen.

2. Jack is just going out. You want him to get you some stamps. Ask him.
Jack, you are just going out, could you get me some stamps, please?

Explanation: In this situation, you want Jack to do something for you. To ask him, you start with the statement "Jack, you are just going out" and then add a polite request "could you get me some stamps, please?"

3. You're looking for Ann. Perhaps Kate knows where she is. Ask her.
Kate, you might know where Ann is, could you please tell me?

Explanation: In this situation, you are looking for Ann and think that Kate might have information about her whereabouts. To ask Kate, you start with the statement "Kate, you might know where Ann is" and then politely request her help by saying "could you please tell me?"

4. You need a bicycle pump. Perhaps Helen has got one. Ask her.
Helen, do you happen to have a bicycle pump?

Explanation: In this situation, you need a bicycle pump and think that Helen might have one. To ask her, you start with the statement "Helen, do you happen to have a bicycle pump?" This is a polite way to inquire if she has one without assuming that she definitely does.

5. You're looking for your keys. Perhaps Robin has seen them. Ask him.
Robin, have you seen my keys?

Explanation: In this situation, you have lost your keys and think that Robin might have seen them. To ask him, you start with the statement "Robin, have you seen my keys?" This is a straightforward question to ask if he has any information about the location of your keys.
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