In the fellowing sentences, fill in the gaps with one of the following quantifiers: much, many, a lot of, most, a little, little, a few, few
1. It seems to me that we haven't had ___ assignments in English this term
2. How ___ material can we be expected to read in one week?
3. I've unfortunately had ___ headaches already because of stress.
4. Our yard looks awful this summer There are too ___ weeds.
5. I didn't use ___ fertilizer last spring and that has made a difference
6. Also, I've paid very ___ attention to how rain we've had
7. Im afraid it's rained ___ times this summer, and that is why the grass is turning brown and dying. Farmers are very upset
8. How ___ good would it do if we watered the plants ourselves?
9. ___ of the advice have ever received from so-called "experts" has been useless.
10. They said that just ___ help could make a big difference
11. ___ people know as much about computers as Tomas does.
12. It does us ___ good when the banking system collapses​

helppls7 helppls7    2   13.04.2021 08:20    2

viakobchuk viakobchuk  13.04.2021 08:30

I. In the following sentences, fill in the gaps with one of the following quantifiers:

    much, many

a. It seems to me that we've had  assignments in English this term.

b. How  material can we be expected to read in one week?

c.  books are not in the library.

d. I've had  headaches already because of stress.

e.  depression can be attributed to being overworked.

II. Using the button at the bottom of the quiz, check your answers in Part I. (Incorrect responses will be blanked out.) If you got them all correct, go back and substitute either "lots of" or "a lot of" where you think those quantifiers might be appropriate. Re-check your answers.

III. In the following sentences, fill in the gaps with one of the following quantifiers:

    much, many, few, little, most.

When you've gotten all the answers right, see if you can substitute other quantifiers from the list. (HINT: Three of the last four sentences could have two different answers.)

a. Our yard looks awful this summer. There are too  weeds.

b. I didn't use  fertilizer last spring, and that has made a difference.

c. Also, I've paid  attention to how  rain we've had.

d. I'm afraid it's rained  times this summer, and the grass is turning brown and dying.

e.  experts say you should fertilize your lawn in the fall.

f. It didn't seem to do my lawn  good.

g.  advice you get from experts doesn't seem to help.

h.  of my neighbors ignore their grass, and they have better lawns this year.

IV. In the following sentences, fill in the gaps with one of the following quantifiers:

    a little, little, a few, few.

Again, when you've gotten all the answers correct, go back and try substituting other quantifiers. (HINT: Three of the four can have more than one correct response.)

a. They say  knowledge is a bad thing.

b. I know  instances where that proves true.

c.  people know as much about computers as Tomasz does.

d. But it does him  good when the whole system goes down.


чем смогла

dashapeit12 dashapeit12  13.04.2021 08:30

1. It seems to me that we haven't had many assignments in English this term.

2. How much material can we be expected to read in one week?

3. I've unfortunately had a lot of headaches already because of stress.

4. Our yard looks awful this summer. There are too many weeds.

5. I didn't use much fertilizer last spring and that has made a difference.

6. Also, I've paid very little attention to how much rain we've had.

7. I'm afraid it's rained few times this summer, and that is why the grass is turning brown and dying. Farmers are very upset.

8. How much good would it do if we watered the plants ourselves?

9. Much of the advice I have ever received from so-called "experts" has been useless.

10. They said that just a little help could make a big difference.

11. Few people know as much about computers as Tomas does.

12. It does us much good when the banking system collapses​.

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