Imagine you're going to go on an expedition to the Amazon. Can you survive in the rainforest?
Read the situations and decide what to do.
1 You can't find your map.
a Go back and look for it.
b Don't worry. It isn't important in the
2 Your compass isn't working.
a Look at the moon. It's always in the west.
b Watch the sun. It's always in the west at
the end of the day.
3 You haven't got any insect repellent.
a Stay near the river. Mosquitoes don't
like water.
b Wear your waterproof clothes.
4 You see a dangerous snake.
a Be quiet. Snakes don't usually attack
b Shine your torch at it. Snakes hate
bright lights.
5 You're cold in your tent.
a Light the stove inside your tent to keep warm.
b Get in your sleeping bag.
6 You're hungry and you see some fruit.
a Don't eat it. Maybe it's dangerous for humans.
b Eat a little bit, then wait an hour.
Eat more if you're OK.
7 A person in your group can't walk.
a Use your satellite phone and call for help.
b Give the person your first aid kit.
Then, go and get help.

podynov8807 podynov8807    2   03.02.2021 17:02    10

Alintos122 Alintos122  05.03.2021 17:15







7. b


Перекинь это в переводчик,сразу будет понятно

SnegRainbow SnegRainbow  05.03.2021 17:15

1) a Go back and look for it.

2) b Watch the sun. It's always in the west at the end of the day.

3) a Stay near the river. Mosquitoes don't  like water.

4) b Shine your torch at it. Snakes hate  bright lights.

5) b Get in your sleeping bag.

6) a Don't eat it. Maybe it's dangerous for humans.

7) a Use your satellite phone and call for help.


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