Imagine you are on a language course in england. write an email to a friend and tell him or her about some of the people you have met. write 100–120 words.

hjr56 hjr56    3   07.08.2019 04:50    1

Николь28071547 Николь28071547  08.09.2020 10:18
Представьте, что вы находитесь на языковой курс в Англию. Напишите письмо другу и расскажите ему или ей о некоторых людей, которых вы встретили. Напишите 100-120 слов.
Adelina174 Adelina174  08.09.2020 10:18
Hello (напишешь имя друга),
As you know I'm on a language course in England. I like it much and I have met a lot of people from different countries here. It's amazing opportunity to learn not just english language but also some other different languages and to know new cultures. I have met people from Turkey, Georgia, Spaine, Ukraine, Czech Republic. Of course I've met also english guys and we all together sometimes going to pubs to talk in english about our countries. I had a good chance to come here because it's the best way to learn english around english people and their culture. Have a good time.
With best wishes,
(своё имя)
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