Imagine that there is someone who is going to the theatre for the first timewrite down any advice you can give your friend : the things he should or shouldn't go представьте себе, что есть тот, кто собирается в театр в первый раз записать любой совет вы можете дать своему другу: то, что он должен или не должен идти

Никита2OO7 Никита2OO7    2   14.06.2019 03:40    1

ГIOJLNHA ГIOJLNHA  02.10.2020 01:22
Before the show was supposed to go to his place with his back to the stage and face to a seated audience. During the intermission or at the end of the presentation on a range of hosts face to the scene, in order to show respect to the artists. And in both cases it is necessary to look at his feet, one that does not hurt.

Laminowanie, i.e. viewed in the lornet other spectators, especially the ladies, in the nineteenth century was a sign of bad manners or corruption. In our days it is considered indecent to bring strangers theater binoculars. Friends sitting in another row, 're supposed to nod, but not to perekrikivayutsya with them, even if the curtain is not yet raised.

During a performance is not permitted there, rustling programs, talk (including comment link action), to get up.

Applause is a reward artists. In the theater applauded at the end of each action, sometimes with the appearance of a well-known actor and after a well played scene. At the concert accepted the applause at the end of each of the executed works. Whistle and shouts - not etiquette manifestation of delight.

The theatre, especially the premiere, is often a solemn occasion. In this case, the audience wearing a fancy dress: men - dark suits or tuxedos, women evening dresses and gloves. Appropriate exotic outfits, expensive jewelry. On matinee performances dress more modest than in the evening.

This should not be abused spirits, because the strong smell may not like your neighbors.

The woman who came to the theater in the hat should ask sitting in the back, isn't it a hat, and if necessary remove it.

However, a strict dress code for visiting the theatre no, if it is not a Protocol event, for example a part of the cultural program for the distinguished guests. The performances go on weekdays, and sometimes people come to the theater right after work. Modern etiquette has nothing against casual clothes, and the audience is youth and experimental theatres often dressed in ripped jeans, sneakers, sandals on his bare feet. This appearance is not considered a violation of decency.You must be quite. Don't drink or eat something. You should be strictly dressed.
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