Iii. перепишите предложения раскрыв скобки и употребив глагол в придаточных предложениях времени и условия в соответствующей форме. 1. i shan't buy tomatoes till the price (come) down. 2. after the plane (land) you may unfasten your belts. 3. if you (not go) away i'll send for the police. 4. unless i have a quiet room i (not be able) to do any work.

Zan22 Zan22    1   28.07.2019 00:10    3

nastya291204061012 nastya291204061012  03.10.2020 14:51
1. ...till the price comes...
2. After the plane lands...
3. If you don't go...
4. ...I won't be able...
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