Ii. заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами. feeding time, full of fun, so, fight, shared, last sunday, watch, jumped out, looked. have you ever been to the zoo at i was there it was interesting to the animals. as usual the monkeys were big birds were stretching their wings and flying down to their food. two dolphins of the water to catch their fish. baby lions had a for their meat. the elephant hungry and i my orange with him.

AKA1111173 AKA1111173    1   12.07.2019 00:40    0

ulzhanzeinulla ulzhanzeinulla  25.08.2020 07:16
Have you ever been to the zoo at 1)___feeding time___? I was there 2)___last Sunday___. It was 3)___so___ interesting to 4)___watch the animals. As usual the monkeys were 5)___ full of fun__. Big birds were stretching their wings and flying down to their food. Two dolphins 6)__jumped out___ of the water to catch their fish. Baby lions had a 7)___fight___ for their meat. The elephant 8)looked hungry and I 9)___shared my orange with him.
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