Ii. вставьте необходимый артикль (a/an, the, объясните случаи употребления артиклей. andrew is … accountant. he is … chief of the bookkeeping department of … large organization. has … postman come yet? i am expecting … letter from my friend. … door opened and … man entered … room. he was … man of about 50 years of age. i haven’t read … times yet.

vladvladc vladvladc    1   27.03.2019 22:30    7

marinacccr marinacccr  26.05.2020 19:28

перед словом начинающимся на глассную будет an, а если на согласную а.

           Andrew is an accountant . He is an chief of the bookkeeping department of the large organization . Has a postman come yet ? I am expecting a letter from my friend . A door opened and a man entered the room. He has a man of about 50 years of age. I haven" t read a Times yet. 

Влад00811 Влад00811  26.05.2020 19:28

Andrew is an accountant . He is an chief of the bookkeeping department of the large organization . Has a postman come yet ? I am expecting a letter from my friend . A door opened and a man entered the room. He has a man of about 50 years of age. I haven" t read a Times yet.

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