II. Use of English: Task 3. Rewrite sentences in Reported speech:

1. “We work for the town council” - they said.

2. He said: “I will get it tomorrow”

3. Mary said: “I’m waiting for Ann”

4. “My guests haven’t arrived yet” – Laura said

5. “I took it home with me” – Bob said.

ОляХ1 ОляХ1    2   16.03.2021 10:22    0

Superymniaha Superymniaha  15.04.2021 10:22


1) They said we worked for the town council.

2)He said that he would get it tomorrow.

3) Mary said she was waiting for Ann.

4) Laura said that her guests hadn't arrived yet.

5) Bob said that he had taken it home with him.


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