Ii. transcribe the following words and explain the reading rules: five, tip, bed, pipe, land, fry, rule, ton, tone, pupil, love, cut, shade, brother, shall, bus, snack, blame, poke, found, aloud, green, town, toy, farm, yellow, glove, warm, some, won, worse, nothing, mild, world, month, worth, company, worship, none, find, wild, ought, above, brought.

chapa00 chapa00    2   16.09.2019 21:20    16

likavudu likavudu  07.10.2020 20:34
[faɪv], [tɪp], [bɛd], [paɪp], [lænd], [fraɪ], [ruːl], [tʌn], [təʊn], [ˈpjuːpl], [lʌv], [kʌt], [ʃeɪd], [ˈbrʌðə], [ʃæl], [bʌs], [snæk], [bleɪm], [pəʊk], [faʊnd], [əˈlaʊd], [griːn], [taʊn], [tɔɪ], [fɑːm], [ˈjɛləʊ], [glʌv], [wɔːm], [sʌm], [wʌn], [wɜːs], [ˈnʌθɪŋ], [maɪld], [wɜːld], [mʌnθ], [wɜːθ], [ˈkʌmpəni], [ˈwɜːʃɪp], [nʌn], [faɪnd], [waɪld], [ɔːt], [əˈbʌv], [brɔːt]
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