II Rewrite the sentences using Passive forms. Example: I washed the windows yesterday. – The windows were washed yesterday.

1) She was decorating the room at that moment.
2) I have found some interesting information today.
3) Ann will buy a present for Nick.
4) We changed the plan last week.
5) By 11 o’clock tomorrow he will have brought the books.
6) Ron is watering the vegetables.
7) Brother had washed the jeans by 7 o’clock yesterday.
8) Pupils often use these computers.

Karinarikfeeet Karinarikfeeet    2   29.01.2022 06:46    0

Bunny265 Bunny265  29.01.2022 06:50

1. The room was being decorating

2. Some interesting information was found today

3. The present will be bought by Ann for nick

4. The plans were changed last week

5. The books will be brought

6. The vegetables are being watered by Ron

7. The je

8. The computers are often used by pupils