II. Put the words in the correct order to make questions:
1. a/you/for/have/job/applied/ever?
2. computers/good/do/of/knowledge/you/have?
3. you/got/work/any/experience/have?
4. the/of/being/you/attention/like/centre/do?
5. and/career/you/future/in/would/to/your/creativity/use/imagination/like/your?

III. Fill in the blanks with will or be going to:
1. Brian doesn’t work hard at school. He fail his exams.
2. I think life change in the future.
3. There are clouds in the sky. It rain.
4. The bus is too old and crowded. This journey be very uncomfortable!
5. I believe that our party win the elections.
6. This little girl can’t ride a bike yet. She to fall.
7. I hope I win the scholarship!
8. It’s 8.50 already! The lessons start at 9. You be late!
9. I have failed 3 exams already, I be expelled from the university!
10. Perhaps people eat only canned food in the future.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets:
1. If I (work) in summer, I (earn) some money.
2. I (go) to the sea if I (pass) all my exams in summer.
3. If I (practice) English more, I (speak) it better.
4. If we (not protect) the environment, many species of insects (disappear).
5. I (not buy) my mum a present if I (not save) some money.
6. Where (you go) if it (be) windy tomorrow?
7. If our party (win), we (spend) more money on higher education.
8. Ben (help) you with the essay if he (complete) his homework.
9. If the Mayor (lose) the election, he (resign).
10. If the ecological situation (not improve), we (lose) many rare plants and animals.​

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