Ii. поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму. не забудьте про глагол “ do” “does” и форму будущего времени will + verb(go,write…) 1) these students practice martial arts every sunday. 2) every year a dog-handler of our college takes part in competitions. 3) this patrol sergeant always works shifts . 4) the accused colonel will be in court on monday . 5) our lawyer knows tax law very well.

dkniga041 dkniga041    1   19.08.2019 07:50    1

sergkis220799 sergkis220799  05.10.2020 04:24
1) These students do not practice martial arts every Sunday.
2) A dog-handler of our college does not take part in competitions every year.
3) This patrol sergeant does not always work shifts.
4) The accused colonel will not be in court on Monday.
5) Our lawyer does not know tax law very well.
1) Do these students practice martial arts every Sunday?
2) Does a dog-handler of our college take part in competitions every year?
3) Does this patrol sergeant always work shifts?
4) Will the accused colonel be in court on Monday?
5) Does our lawyer know tax law very well?
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