II Образовать предложения использую Present Perfect 1. She the dishes. (already, wash);
2.They their teeth. (just, clean);
3.Tom and Jess this film. (recently, see);
4. Jack ___ his tea. (already, drink);
5.My classmate the text about London Zoo. (not yet, translate)

qwrt1337 qwrt1337    1   10.02.2021 09:33    4

SofiShidlFox SofiShidlFox  10.02.2021 09:40
She has already washed the dishes.They have just cleaned their teeth. Tom and Jess have seen this film recentlyJack has already drunk his tea.My classmate hasn't translated the text about London Zoo yet


сделай ответ, лучшим если не сложно)

almiradkzbd almiradkzbd  10.02.2021 09:40

1. She __has already washed___the dishes. (already, wash).

2.They __have just cleaned___their teeth. (just, clean).

3.Tom and Jess __have seen__this film recently. (recently, see).

4. Jack _has already drunk__ his tea. (already, drink).

5.My classmate __hasn't translated___ the text about London Zoo yet. (not yet, translate)

3: recently - в конце предложения

5: yet - в конце предложения

1, 2, 4:

Have / Has + just + done sth

Have / Has + already + done sth

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