II. Make complete sentences by filling the gaps with phrases from the box. Turn left Come in Don’t wait Don’t forget Stop the car! Help me! Have Don’t listen Pass
Don’t be late Open Come Catch T ake
1. … for me. I’m not coming tonight. 2. … an umbrella with you. It’s raining. 3. … a rest. You look tired. 4. …
at the end of the road. 5. … I can’t swim. 6. … to take your passport. 7. … There’s a cat in the road. 8. … to
my party, please. 9. … your books at page 84. 10. … the salt, please. 11. … to that record. It’s terrible. 12. …
The bus leaves at 9 o’clock. 13. … and have a glass of lemonade. 14. … the first train in the morning.

lipun2004 lipun2004    2   15.12.2020 14:47    44

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