II. Find the right answer. Write a, b or c. 1. The patron saint of England is a) St. Patrick b) St. George c) St. David 2. In the fifth century the territory of England was settled by a) the Angles b) the Normans c) the Celts 3. The West Midlands is the surrounding area of a) London b) Birmingham c) Leeds 4. Woods cover of England. a) only 7 % b) over 40 % c) almost all the territory 5. The flower symbolizing England is a) thistle b) daffodil c) rose 6. A flat area to the northeast of London is called a) The Midlands b) East Anglia c) The Highlands 7. Land’s End is the extreme point of England. a) southwest b) northeast c) northwest 8. The Pennine mountains (The Pennines) split England into two parts. a) northern b) southern c) eastern 9. The region of comprises the counties of Cheshire and Lancashire, as well as Merseyside (including Liverpool). a) North East b) North West c) South West 10. The North of England extends to the Scottish border and takes in the counties of Northumberland, Cumbria, North Yorkshire, Cleveland and a) West Yorkshire b) Rochdale c) Durham

amur3453 amur3453    2   19.10.2020 11:04    4

enatusya55 enatusya55  18.11.2020 11:05

Beethoven's first music teacher was his father, who was a tenor in the service of the Electoral court at Bonn. He was reportedly a harsh instructor. Johann later engaged a friend, Tobias Pfeiffer, to preside over his son's musical training, and it is said Johann and his friend would at times come home late from a night of drinking to pull young Ludwig out of bed to practice until morning. Beethoven's talent was recognized at a very early age, and by 1778 he was studying the organ and viola in addition to the piano. His most important teacher in Bonn was Christian Gottlob Neefe, who was the Court's Organist. Neefe helped Beethoven publish his first composition: a set of keyboard variations.

In 1787, the young Beethoven traveled to Vienna for the first time, in hopes of studying with Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. It is not clear whether he succeeded in meeting Mozart, or if he did whether Mozart was willing to accept him as a pupil. In any event, the declining health of Beethoven's mother, dying of tuberculosis, forced him to return home after only about two weeks in Vienna. Beethoven's mother died on July 17, 1787, when Beethoven was 16.

Due to his father's worsening alcohol addiction, Beethoven became responsible for raising his two younger brothers.

In 1792, Beethoven moved to Vienna, where he studied for a time with Joseph Haydn: his hopes of studying with Mozart had been shattered by Mozart's death the previous year. Beethoven received additional instruction from Johann Georg Albrechtsberger and Antonio Salieri. By 1793, Beethoven established a reputation in Vienna as a piano virtuoso. His first works appeared in 1795. He settled into the career pattern he would follow for the remainder of his life: rather than working for the church or a noble court (as most composers before him had done), he supported himself through a combination of annual stipends or single gifts from members of the aristocracy; income from concerts, and lessons; and proceeds from sales of his works.

Around 1796, Beethoven began to lose his hearing. He suffered a severe form of tinnitus, a "ringing" in his ears that made it hard for him to perceive and appreciate music. He lived for a time in the small Austrian town


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