II. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition: in, of, by, with, for, at, to. 1.  Pushkin is one of the best poet ….. all time.

2.He is popular ….. fans of art cinema.

3.Who stars ….. Pirates of the Caribbean?

4.The paintings add value ….. the house.

5. The second youngest   billionaire of the world  Mark  Zuckerberg  is famous …….  creating  Facebook.

6. It is very nice …….. you to invite me and my family for lunch.

7. The Dali became the most expensive Surrealist lot sold ……..auction last month.

8. Giacomo Puccini  is best known……… his operas .

9. What sort ……. books does your friend like ?  

III. Complete the sentences with the correct comparative /superlative form of the adjectives/adverbs in brackets:

1.John is by far the …………………………..(talented) pupil in the art class.

2.Which of Beethoven’s compositions do you think is the ……………………..(famous)?

3.Sue has been practicing a lot, so her artwork is getting ………… (good) and …… …..(good) all the time.

4.That’s the ……………………. (bad) film I’ve ever seen, the characters were shallow and the ending was dull and predictable.

5.The ………………… (much) he said, the ……………………. (angry) I felt.

6.She was ……………………. (amusing) girl I have ever met. 

7. He's a far ….. …………………(intelligent) person than my brother. 

8. Willard Wigand’s sculptures are the ……….. (tiny) works of art in the world.

9. The ….. (much) Anne practiced, the …… (easy) it became for her to paint portraits.

10.The author’s book is quite good, but it’s not as ……. (interesting) as his last novel.

mintoo0 mintoo0    2   11.03.2021 11:58    5

calusiker calusiker  11.03.2021 12:00

1. Pushkin is one of the best poet of all time.  

2. He is popular with fans of art cinema.  

3. This director is famous for his comedies.  

4. Who stars in Pirates of the Caribbean?  

5. The paintings add value to the house.


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