II. Complete the following sentences using the verbs above: 1. I usually run in the morning to keep fit and res in the evening, 10 relax,
2. I don't like when you're sad and (491_.let me tell you a joke to make you
3. When he opened the door someone from inside
4. The students spendisten the teacher comes in. "You may.--
S.The girl
d the door to her room because she was upset.
"Can Clöshe door and come in?", her mother asked,
6. The boat was ing on the water, but when a strong storm came, it began to
someone a gift, you can't it back from that person anymore.
8. You must first to earn money, then you can go home and
9.1 have just ed my books. Please ... them up for me, will you?
it on right away,
10. Someone has ... the light, it's so dark. I must

57Nika57 57Nika57    2   06.11.2020 14:36    4

fumymovie fumymovie  06.12.2020 14:37



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