Ii. choose the right word. 1. jenny goes … school at 8 o’clock a) at b) to c)in d)of 2. room 450 is … the second floor. a) in b)at c)on d)to 3. jack likes to listen … the radio. a) on b) to c)by d)with 4. her birthday is … the15th … march. a) at b)in c) on d)of 5. are you interested … politics? a) at b)in c)of d) on

markasolnce2103 markasolnce2103    2   18.09.2019 12:50    4

динара265 динара265  08.10.2020 00:02
1 b
2 c
3 b
4 c, d
5 b
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