choose the right answer.
1. tim snowboarding quite often in winter.
a) does
b) plays
c) goes
2. jane can't imagine in a big city; she prefers the countryside.
a) living
b) to live
c) she lives
3. the law says we drive a car if we do not have a licence.
a) must not b) could not c) had better not
4. what lan likes about working as a is the fact that he doesn't have to be in an office eight hours a day.
a) clerk
b) freelancer c) celebrity
5. let me joe if he can give you a lift to the airport tomorrow.
a to ask b) asking c) ask
6. it's true that helen is but she usually make things worse when she tries to help!
a) well-meaning b) loyal c) trusting
7. clearing land to make farms is an example of human activity that destroys the natural of many animals,
forcing them out of their homes.
a) habitats b) lifestyles c) enclosures
8. swim when you were four years old?
a) could you b) should you c) were you able
9. jason's new job makes him than his old one.
a) happy b) more happy c) happier
10. i don't know sue's phone number, but you can look it in the phone book.
a out b) up c) after
11. alison doesn't want to try martial arts because she is afraid of herself.
a) she hurts b) hurting c) to hurt
12. i've made some tea. would you like a cup?
a) yet b) just c) since
13. nina always helps her mother with the household ..
a) sprees b) chores c) ends
14. norton is quite so don't believe everything he says easily.
a) mean b) aggressive c) dishonest
15. sarah goes to a school, so she only goes home during the holidays.
a) specialist b) state c) boarding
16. nelly compete in next week's race because she's broken her leg.
a) mustn't b) can'
t c ) might not
17. of all the people who applied for the job, mr myers was the one.
a) skilled b) more skilled c) most skilled
18. i want to take a new hobby. any ideas?
a out b) up c) over
19. in his free time, chris enjoys the net.
a) surfing b) chatting c ) hanging out
20. we usually like going away for the weekend, but this weekend we'd home.
a) staying b) stay c) to stay
de wf the adiectives using a negative nrefix. comnlete the sentences.​

SHEVTSOVA1183 SHEVTSOVA1183    2   13.12.2019 10:20    1

77darihi 77darihi  10.10.2020 20:27

1-c,2-a,3-b,4-B,5-c,6-a,а дальше сорри я не знаю

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