II. Choose the correct words. 1. I kissed my grandmother as soon as / while she opened the door.
2. We were standing at the bus stop when /while it started to rain.
3. Elena fell over as soon as / while she was playing tennis.
4. There’s a terrible car accident! Phone the police as soon as / when you can!
5. While / As soon as we were exploring the mountain, we saw a bear!

tsartsar tsartsar    2   25.12.2020 15:55    1

anonim000002 anonim000002  24.01.2021 15:57
as soon aswhenwhileas soon aswhile

P.S. надеюсь

если будут вопросы,пишите

буду рада

Платонф Платонф  24.01.2021 15:57

1. as soon as

2. when

3. while

4. as soon as

5. while

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