If you tell did a bungee jump in queensland of 44 metres, someone will say they did one of 98 metres at the victoria falls. they if you got diarrhea, they dysentery or malaria. have part of fun is in telling about summer backpacking. tough постройте косвенный вопрос what is cockney? do the english eat a lot of bread? what holidays do americans celebrate? образуйте прилагательное от данных существительных mobility hospitality scepticism optimism

nabiulinadasha nabiulinadasha    1   21.08.2019 12:30    0

sprinter99 sprinter99  05.10.2020 09:16
If you tell them you did a bungee jump in Queensland of 44 metres, someone will say they did one of 98 metres at the Victoria Falls. THEY
If you got diarrhea, they would have amoebic dysentery or malaria. HAVE
Part of fun is in telling the toughest tales about summer backpacking. TOUGH
Постройте косвенный вопрос
I want to know what Cockney is.
I want to know if the English eat a lot of bread.
I want to know what holidays Americans celebrate.
прилагательное от существительных mobile hospitable sceptical optimistic
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