Ichoose the correct preposition to complete the sentences:
for, up, from, to, of, with

my friend is responsible … our football club.
mary is saving … every penny.
i want to join … your club.
alice hopes the bus turns … right now.
i never borrow money … anybody.
you shouldn’t lend your money … strangers.
have you got any money … you?
you won’t have the time to buy a snack because … me.

ii complete the sentences: code, by heart, coins, flight, confirm, to borrow

all pay phones accept … .
the country … of the us is 001.
we are catching a … to san francisco.
you should remember your pin … .
my brother tries not … money from people.
don’t forget to press the … button.

iii put the verbs in brackets in the present simple or the future simple

if you (listen) to me, you (make) the right decision.
ben (phone) you when he (be) ready to go out.
if you (put) on your new shoes for the first time, you (have to) walk miles.
i (not work) tomorrow unless you (ask) me to.
when they (arrive), i (phone) you.
we (watch) tv after we (do) our homework.
when he (come), he (help) me.
if there (be) two queues, yours always (move) slower.

loli40 loli40    2   24.10.2019 21:48    5

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