I. заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола “to be” в present, past или future simple. i … not married. i … single. he … at the university now. we … students a year ago. they … good friends. she … at work tomorrow. my friend … in st.petersburg last week. ii. заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола “to have” в present, past или future simple. i … a brother and a sister. they … a big flat in the centre of the city. he … a car but he sold it not long ago. we … three lectures tomorrow. my friend … five exams during this examination period. he … a lot of problems with his study.

angel150301 angel150301    2   29.05.2019 16:30    16

domiradps domiradps  28.06.2020 20:47
I am
… not married. I am single.
He is  at the University now.
We were students a year ago.
They are  good friends.
Shewill  at work tomorrow.
friend was  in St.Petersburg last week.

II    have a brother and a sister.
They have a big flat in the centre of the city.
He has a car but he sold it not long ago.
We will have three lectures tomorrow.
friend has five exams during this examination period.
He has  a lot of problems with his study.
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